All Categories All Azienda Agricola Cameli Irene - Cameli Irene Milia 2019

Azienda Agricola Cameli Irene - Cameli Irene Milia 2019

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Acid:               〚fresh〛

Alcohol:         〚11.5%〛

Body:             〚medium-〛

 Fruit:             〚yellow, citrusy〛


In our dreams, this is how clean laundry actually smells - not like detergent, just fresh and light and so so clean. The perfect match to a light salad - arugula, citrus, pumpkin seeds. Slight nuttiness, underripe nectarine, tangerine peel, lemon/lime, green banana, chamomile, a touch of dried grass, ripe green apple, spearmint dried grass, and incense as the glass warms. The finish is mostly yellow fruits and minerality.

Best served at 10-12°C or 50-54°F

Taste and Flavor Profile

The wines from Allevi’s vineyards offer a complex flavor profile with rich, earthy notes and a delightful balance of fruit and spice.

Aroma & Bouquet

The bouquet of Allevi wines reveals a captivating blend of ripe berries, subtle herbs, and hints of floral elegance.

Smooth & Finish

These wines are known for their smooth texture and a lingering, satisfying finish that leaves a memorable impression.

Food Pairing

Allevi wines pair beautifully with a variety of dishes, including roasted meats, rich pasta sauces, and aged cheeses. Their versatile nature makes them a great complement to both casual and formal meals.

Who Is It For?

Ideal for wine enthusiasts who appreciate a blend of tradition and craftsmanship, Allevi wines are perfect for those seeking high-quality, distinctive flavors that reflect a deep connection to their terroir.

The native vines grown on the property include Passerina, Pecorino, Sangiovese, and Montepulciano.  Planted on hills that face south and are sheltered from the sea winds. The mild climate, the intense light exposure, and the abundance of rainwater and underground water make up an ideal environment for the cultivation of precious grapes.

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