All Categories All Dante Pugnitello XII IGT 2017

Dante Pugnitello XII IGT 2017

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Acid:               〚bright〛                 

Alcohol:         〚13.5%〛

Body:              〚medium〛             

Fruit:               〚red & purple〛

Tannin:           〚silky〛                   



This fantastic red from Tuscany, Italy has a strong aroma of vegetal notes and an intense bouquet of prunes and red berries. It has a full and rich taste with good acidity and persistence, characterized by soft and not intrusive tannins.

Serve at 54-58°F / 12-14°C


An Interview with the Winemaker

Were you born into the wine business?
My work experience was born in EVO market parallel business of wine. After years in this market, I see that many Italian wineries are still cultivating too many French grapes a loss of our native grapes which lead to our idea to create and promote single varietal wines only from native Tuscany grapes.

How did you get started?
We started in 2013 when we decided to buy a vineyard with Foglia Tonda and one with Ciliegiolo grapes. We then worked with oenologists and agronomists to better understand how to create the wines we wanted.

What is your favorite part of the winemaking process?
The harvest is the start of the dream! When we taste the wine for 1st time during the harvest it is a very particular moment because we finally understand the exact quality and flavor of each wine.

Your wine is vegan. What sort of techniques or fining agents do you use for the fining and/or clarification process since you don't use animal products?
We do not use anything to fine our wine.

What made you choose to avoid animal products?
In the 1st year of working with the agronomist, they suggested that we use only products from cereals or vegetables due to the characteristics of our soil.

Is that important to you?
Yes, because we want our wines to be enjoyed by ALL people and it’s an honor for us that vegans can drink this wine.

Can you tell us a little about any environmental and/or sustainability goals of the winery, vineyard, and/or the property?
By cultivating only native vines, we aim to maintain the viticultural biodiversity in Italy. Italy is the first country in the world for the number of plant species, we have more than 355 different grape species, (France has 26!) Unfortunately, however, many of these grapes are disappearing to make way for international vines which are less expensive and more productive. For this reason, in our small way we aim to keep the biodiversity of the territory intact giving the consumer the opportunity to taste these grapes, simply in purity! We grow everything organically and our packaging is completely recyclable. We only use 100% natural cork stoppers.

What makes your winery unique?
DANTE is a selection of red wines only from native grapes in purity! 

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