Egg Replacers

🐣 We’re cuckoo for vegan eggs! Why is that? Well, we don’t want to harm any of our chick and chicken friends. 🐔 We’d argue that just the right vegan substitute for eggs can do just as well, but without the unnecessary cholesterol that comes from eating non-vegan eggs.Read more

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And think of the versatility! Sunny-side, poached, or scrambled, vegan egg replacements can come in all forms. You can make loads of tasty dishes with vegan egg substitutes.

There’s really no downside to getting them over regular eggs. Vegan eggs are more economical, too. No more extra trips to the store, a tub of vegan egg replacement can be equivalent to more than a dozen eggs - you won't accidentally crack them in transport either!

If you’re ever thinking, Are eggs vegan? Well, now you know they can be. No more crackin’, just grab vegan substitutes for eggs and get cooking straight away!

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