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What Is Vegan Beef? An In-Depth Look at Plant-Based Meat Alternatives

What’s our beef with beef? Well, let us tell you! 

In the grand scheme of things, we’re not fond of how animals have to suffer for us to get some “meat”. We know some farmers care for their cattle properly before slaughter… But that’s just it. We don’t like the slaughtering part… Not to mention all the carbon emissions this creates and all the resources that must be used to grow cattle for consumption. That’s too much trouble!

We can get everything beefy in plant-based alternatives. They look the part and taste the part, too. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. We’ve got loads of plant-based or vegan beef alternatives nowadays. Switching to vegan-friendly options is no longer that hard compared to years ago. 

Just take a look at the food and drink options we have here at Vegan Essentials. The whole site is filled with plant-based goods that’ll last you a lifetime!

What Is Vegan Beef?

what is vegan beef

Before we get into more details about vegan beef as our topic, we like to take a little moment to define it is first so that we’re all on the same boat.

So vegan beef is a term we use interchangeably with plant-based beef. When we say either of those terms, we mean that they are animal or animal-byproduct-free alternatives and substitutes that mimic the taste, texture, and flavor of regular beef. Some brands even market their vegan beef patties to “bleed” as they cook, similar to how a traditional beef patty would. This may not sound appetizing to some but, to meat-eaters making the switch, it totally does. 

Vegan beef can be made of many different plant-based ingredients. Many of them will be made with soy, pea protein, beans, grains, and even wheat gluten. These ingredients allow more people to enjoy vegan beef. As we all know, not everyone can have soy, gluten, or other ingredients because of food sensitivities and restrictions. At least this way, they can pick and choose from the lot!

Also Read - How Vegan Chicken is Made? Exploring Ingredients, Texture and Taste

Is Vegan Beef Better?

is vegan beef better

We may be a little biased here. Yes. We think vegan beef is better than traditional beef. Apart from it being a more cruelty-free choice, plant-based beef can be a healthier alternative.

Generally speaking, vegan alternatives have less saturated fat than their counterparts and more fiber content. Brands also fortify their products with more nutrients (like iron, vitamin B12, and zinc) as those can be lacking in some substitutes. Wiser shopping habits and label-checking will help you find those good vegan brands. 

A little need-to-know would be that plant-based alternatives are more processed and do contain more sodium than regular meat. This is because they’re needed to make them taste and feel like the real thing. But, again, there are lots to choose from. If you don’t like pre-seasoned alternatives and just want them “plain”, you can easily find some.

Aside from the health benefits, plant-based alternatives also have a positive impact on the environment. We got a little in-depth here before and the facts are actually pretty interesting. You may want to check out this one as a little supplemental reading: How Veganism Benefits the Environment

Bonus Tip: How To Make Vegan Beef Taste Better

vegan beef taste

Many of your friends may have tried a vegan beef product at home and might not have liked it. What could be the reason? Taste. Taste drives us to eat more of the same things because they’re delicious! Simple as that.

Plant-based beef comes in a huge variety. They may have gotten a plain ground beef option and decided to cook with it. What is vegan ground beef? It replaces regular minced meat (aka uncooked and unseasoned meats). That’s why the results they may have gotten were unappetizing.

When cooking at home, remember to add seasoning. Even though your packets of vegan beef have BBQ, smokey, or spicy flavors, you still need to season as you go. That’s what home cooks do! You’re not adding too much - just enough to make them taste better for you. A sauce here or a dip there. Add flavors to match. 

Also Read - Is Plant Based Meat Healthy?

There’s No Vegan Beef Beef

Here at Vegan Essentials, it’s all love. We don’t have any beef with any plant-based creation. In fact, we love all of them!

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