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Beyond Meat and More: Best Vegan Chicken Brands to Try

If you’re in the middle of switching to plant-based meats, vegan chicken is one of the best places to start. That’s because there are so many vegan chicken brand names worth trying. With that being said, looking at the category as a whole may seem daunting. No worries, we’ll help walk you through these brands and tell you what is the best chicken to buy right now. 

And we’re not gassing up these brands because we have to. We’re here to potentially help baby or seasoned vegans alike lock in and find their future favorites. Sometimes it’s hard! While it’s always great that so many vegan brands are popping up and popping off, the choices can get pretty overwhelming. 

Why Vegan Chicken is Awesome?

vegan chicken

Chicken meat is made from, surprise, chickens. If you don’t like it or if you can’t have it (some people have chicken allergies, too), there is no way around it. 

Vegan or plant-based chicken is a little more forgiving. You can get ones made with soy, gluten, and a whole array of other ingredients. If you can’t have soy, other options are readily available and waiting. 

If you have other health concerns that may require you to switch to “healthier” proteins, vegan chicken is also fantastic. It usually comes with far less fats or saturated fats than regular chicken meat. Still, preparation and the way you cook these meats would play a key role here. Don’t just deep fry everything and think all the fried stuff is healthy. No way!

Also Read - Vegan Chicken: A Beginner Buyer Guide

Best Vegan Chicken Brands

1. Beyond

plant based meat

As if the title wasn’t enough to hint at it… Beyond is one the best plant based chicken brands out there. We all first heard of Beyond because of their take on beef burgers. These beef patties we all know have slowly and surely taken their place in chain and regular restaurants, standing as plant-based alternatives for your usual orders. Soon, Beyond went beyond beef (pun intended) by making chicken alternatives for us to feast on! Right now, they’ve got tenders, popcorn chicken, nuggets, and filets. We’re sure that more chicken alternatives will get made and make their way to our shop so keep on checking in!

2. Impossible

The next big name on the list happens to be Impossible. They started with bridging the gap between regular meat with the use of plants. Turns out, plants have a great knack for tasting like meat with a little culinary know-how! Impossible’s beef and sausage options have always been popular, but here their vegan chicken varieties take center stage. Like Beyond, they have nuggets and tenders. But you can also pick up regular and spicy vegan chicken patties. 

3. Gardein

Have you ever heard of Taco Tuesdays? Well, Gardein is making waves with Meatless Mondays! They’ve got tons of recipes featuring their Ultimate Plant-Based Chick'n - all to make your Monday meal preps so much easier. Gardein knows that it’s possible to easily switch to plant-based alternatives - especially if you pick up some of their vegan-friendly options like filets, nuggets, and tenders. They really are just like your familiar chicken-based food… Only plant-based! 

4. No Evil Foods

no evil foods

In our opinion, No Evil Foods takes a slightly different approach to vegan chicken. They make more home cook-friendly choices! All this means for us is that they offer blank canvases for us to create our own recipes with. Chicken nuggets are fine and all, but these allow us to make, say, a marinated chicken wrap or just about any savory dish we can think of. These are complete proteins made from grains & legumes - no actual chicken meat!

5. Eati Meati 

Eati Meati products consists of 95% nutrient-rich mycelium, a fibrous, root-like network that grows underground. This makes their vegan chicken excellent sources of protein, fiber, and folates, and even zinc. With Eati Meati, you can get classic or even crisp chicken cutlets. They have different recipe uses. One’s better for making crispy burgers and one is better for stuffing into wraps or slicing over salads.

Also Read - How Vegan Chicken is Made? Everything Explained

Take Note of These Vegan Chicken Brand Names

vegan chicken

Vegan Essentials has more of these plant-based brands just waiting to be tried. If you’re already familiar with the brands we mentioned, why not explore around the site and you’ll find way more than what’s just here in this list.

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